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Vice Rectors

The Vice Rectors support the Rector in the management of the University.
They participate in the Rector's Steering Board and coordinate the work of the Delegates in the specific areas of relevance.

Strategic Plan

Isabella Nova

She is responsible for the planning, management, implementation and enhancement of the PoliMI’s strategic lines, as outlined in the Strategic Plan where the main objectives, KPIs and basic orientations that inspire the choices related to PoliMI’s teaching, research and social responsibility are reported.

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  • Drafting and revising the Three-Year Strategic Plan
  • Estimating and monitoring the resources needed to implement the Strategic Plan objectives
  • Coordinating Strategic Plan and Integrated Plan
  • Periodic verification of the progress made and of the resurces employed
  • Periodic reporting of the appropriate supervisor on the activities carried out by the various components of PoliMI
  • Informing PoliMI’s community about the plan and its implementation and collecting feedbacks and suggestions
  • Diffusion and enhancement of the Strategic Plan

The Executive Vice Rector receives inputs directly from the Rector and works closely with all Vice Rectors and the DG.

Communication and cultural events

Umberto Tolino

The group deals with the communication processes underlying the activities of the Politecnico di Milano, implementing a strategy that integrates teaching, research, third mission and public events, at the centre of a common identity system.

The objective is the definition, planning and implementation of a short and medium-term communication strategy for the different areas in which the Politecnico di Milano operates. The plan is to enable the entire structure to update and adopt methods and tools suited to the its role as a thought leader, starting with the introduction of virtuous models and new approaches to the scientific panorama, the territory and people.

The Vice Rector is in contact with the Rector and operates in collaboration with the following working group:

  • Archive, library, and museum system: Roberto Dulio
  • Cultural activities and public engagement: Davide Fassi
  • Exhibitions and events: Ingrid Paoletti

Education and learning

Stefano Ronchi

The work is centered around the attraction of talents, the improvement of their skills, their experience as students, and the impact on the labour market through policies that facilitate access to the job market and promote continuous learning.

Politecnico wants to play an important role in the education field at an international level. Therefore, taken into account the increasing number of players in the education sector and the higher schooling rate globally, the University must strengthen its prestige in order to attract the best talents from all over the world and provide them with the skills and tools required to leave a positive mark on the society of the future.

In particular, we focus on the following objectives:

  • Attract students with the best skills and the greatest potential in areas such as architecture, design and engineering (regardless of their origins and economic status)
  • Provide high quality education, in terms of both contents and organization
  • Enable our students to access a customized learning experiences, which encompasses curricular and extra-curricular activities
  • Guide our graduates into the labour market and provide continuous learning opportunities in the professional world

The Vice Rector is constantly in contact with the Rector and collaborates with the following working group.

  • Financial Aid and Student Affairs: Maurizio Zani
  • Learning Analytics: Tommaso Agasisti
  • Lifelong Learning: Federico Caniato
  • Student orientation: Matteo Passoni
  • Education innovation and planning: Mariapia Pedeferri

Digital infrastructures and services

Gianpaolo Cugola

The activity concerns all aspects related to the use of information technology for the business processes of the University. In particular, the vice rector coordinates the development of: (i) the University's digital services and (ii) the hardware and software infrastructures needed to provide those services.

The objective is to gradually digitize all the processes underlying the services offered by Politecnico di Milano to all its members, i.e. students, professors, researchers, administrative and technical staff. In this regard, the task of the vice rector is to exploit the potential offered by information technology in order to streamline and optimize the processes linked to the three areas in which Politecnico di Milano operates: training, research, social responsibility.

The vice rector will be the link between the requests from the various players operating in the University and the person in charge of the ICT Services Area, so as to guarantee the full implementation of the strategies and policies on digital services and infrastructures defined by the Academic Senate.

The Vice Rector receives inputs directly from the Rector and works with all Vice Rectors and the General Director.

People management and organisation

Cristina Masella

The activity concerns people management and organizational development, in terms of resources planning and distribution, evaluation of the organizational impacts of the strategic choices and definition of actions to support their implementation in accordance with budgetary constraints.

  • Definition of plans for the development of human resources in line with the university's strategic orientation and budgetary and MUR constraints
  • Reflection regarding the evolution of the faculty planning model
  • Coherent development of Polimi regulations
  • Improvement of tools for budgeting personnel costs
  • Implementation of specific actions aimed at simplifying and reviewing organisational processes
  • Participation in the CRUI Budget Committee

The Vice Rector receives inputs directly from the Rector and from the Deputy Rector, works with the Human Resources and Organisational Development Division and the Planning and Analysis Unit and reports to the General Director.

Institutional and community relations

Carolina Pacchi

The activity concerns the relations with institutional actors, at different levels, as well as with the broader system of stakeholders, with a view to building and optimizing the opportunities for exchange and mutual learning.

The objectives are the promotion of Politecnico di Milano's role, identity and recognisability; the strengthening and better ramification of the existing relation systems, institutional entities and stakeholders, at different levels; the creation of new channels to connect with each other, exchange information and expertise; the connection of training processes, research and knowledge production, within the University and outside of it, leveraging on the relations that the various actors already have.

The Vice Rector receives inputs from the Rector and works closely with all Vice Rectors and the General Director.

International affairs

Ilaria Valente

The task is to promote and support international relations for teaching and research activities, as well as students and teachers' mobility and the admission of international students. 

Politecnico aspires to act as the European node of an international network of relations in order to create a qualified, international and multicultural community of students, teachers and researchers in a phase in which the global context is in constant and rapid evolution. The objectives are the enlargement and consolidation of European and international networks in architecture, design and engineering; the attraction and selection of talents; the enhancement of opportunities to live experience abroad; the recruitment of international professors.

The Vice Rector is constantly in contact with the Rector and operates in collaboration with the following working groups:

  • North America: Gianluca Valenti
  • Latin America: Liberato Ferrara
  • Western Europe: Stefano Elia
  • Eastern Europe: Mauro Filippini
  • Africa: Niccolò Aste
  • Middle East: Davide Ponzini
  • India: Alessandro Biamonti
  • South East Asia: Cristiana Bolchini
  • Far East Asia: Marco Imperadori
  • Oceania: Mark Carman

International Networks: Monica Riva

School Delegates

  • Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering- Architecture: Marco Bovati
  • Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering- Engineering: Gabriele Masera
  • Design: Silvia Ferraris
  • Civil Environmental and Territorial Engineering: Gabriele della Vecchia
  • Industrial and Information Engineering: Franco Bernelli-Zazzera

New European Bauhaus @ Polimi – Designing the New Normal

Ilaria Valente (supervisor)

Strategic Projects Delegates

  • Joint School of Design & Innovation Centre- Xi’an Jiao Tong-Politecnico di Milano: Sergio Pignari
  • University Italy/ Azerbaijan: Silvia Ferraris


Alberto Guadagnini

We coordinate and support research, promote fundamental and transformative research in Europe, fostering interdisciplinarity and inclusiveness. We support strategic research in the context of European and other international research networks, research infrastructures, and policies of open science and research quality assessment with continuous feedbacks from key government bodies and in compliance with our strategic plan.

We provide leadership and a vision for the development of strategies to enhance opportunities, competitiveness, and support along the entire lifecycle of research projects associated with national, European and other international programmes. We aim at continuously monitoring and optimizing research infrastructures by fostering enhanced collaboration among Departments, coordinating the development of the European Charter and Code for researchers, empowering and coordinating our staff, increasing participation to European and other international research networks, and connecting our researchers with research institutions, business, and public bodies and agencies operating at national and regional levels.

The Vice Rector is constantly in contact with the Rector and operates in collaboration with the following working group.

  • European Research Projects: Francesca Rizzo
  • International Research Networks: Francesco Topputo
  • Research Infrastructures: Davide Moscatelli
  • Research Quality Assurance: Anna Maria Antola

Talent development

Paolo Biscari

We aim at monitoring and coordinating the actions taken to support young researchers, i.e. the university Post-Doc and Researchers with a professional experience of maximum seven years since their PhD (according to the requirements to benefit from the ERC Starting Grants).

We implement actions to the advantage of both newly hired Researchers (support in the presentation and submission of applications for competitive calls, allocation of research funds to projects that obtain positive assessments, establishment of a European Talent Academy, training of PhD Supervisors) and PhDs and Postdocs (interdisciplinary scholarships, soft-skills training, inter-university projects, training for the participation in competitive call).

The Vice Rector is constantly in contact with the Rector and operates in collaboration with the following working group:

  • Alta Scuola Politecnica: Alessandra Oppio
  • Marie Curie programmes, ERC Starting Grant, Seal of Excellence: Matteo Maestri
  • PhD: Daniele Rocchi
  • PhD Supervisors training and support: Enrico De Angelis

Development and enhancement of University spaces

Emilio Faroldi

We are responsible for outlining strategies to integrate university spaces in the urban environment. Our aim is to promote a social and physical renovation of the existing campuses of the Politecnico, as well as those currently under design/construction, so that they are well integrated in the local urban contexts and territories.

The objective of the task is the concept, design, construction, and strategic management of Politecnico Campuses as cutting-edge places and urban test beds, able to transform the University demand for cultural growth into physical spaces while modeling the academic context and defining an original reality with its own identity within the urban context. The work tends to encourage an investment policy into the enhancement, adaptation, modernization, and implementation of its structures, pursuing competitive, performing, and international quality standards.

The Executive Vice Rector is constantly in contact with the Rector and works with all Vice Rectors and the General Director.

Sustainable development and impact on society

Alessandro Perego

In our activity we see sustainable development (from an ESG – Environmental, Social, Governance - perspective) as an element that unifies the three university missions – Research, Education, Social Responsibility – and People management, so as to have a positive impact on all our stakeholders, included future generations.

The general objectives are:

  1. increasing awareness and sense of urgency around sustainability and impact;
  2. contributing to the creation of an integrated and all-pervasive vision of sustainable development;
  3. designing the first sustainability strategic plan, consistently with the university strategic plan;
  4. engaging with all relevant stakeholders in order to give contribution to policy design and execution;
  5. setting clear and ambitious goals, accelerating progress on existing projects and evaluating new ideas;
  6. designing a data-driven holistic impact measurement system.

The Vice Rector is constantly in contact with the Rector and operates in collaboration with the following working group:

  • Data Analytics: Anna Paganoni
  • Diversity and inclusion: Mara Tanelli
  • Energy transition: Mario Motta
  • Multichance: Alessandro Campi
  • OffCampus projects: Francesca Cognetti
  • Relationships with academic networks for sustainable development: Mario Grosso
  • Science Diplomacy: Emanuela Colombo
  • Social innovation: Stefano Maffei
  • Sport activities: Pierangelo Metrangolo

Technology transfer and corporate relations

Daniele Rocchi

We deal with the promotion, definition, management and monitoring of agreements, between Politecnico di Milano and companies/institutions for joint research, training and innovation initiatives.

Defining and developing joint research, training and innovation, together with companies, so as to enable the transfer of knowledge from the university to the industrial sector.

Creating the required management structure within the University to effectively perform the knowledge transfer.

The Vice Rector is constantly in contact with the Rector and collaborate with the following working group:

Alumni and fundraising: Enrico Zio

Technology Transfer: Marco Bocciolone