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Emilio Faroldi

Executive Vice Rector [Prorettore Vicario] of the Politecnico di Milano

Emilio Faroldi, architect and Ph.D., is Executive Vice Rector responsible for the Development and enhancement of university spaces at Politecnico di Milano, where he is full professor.

“The visiting card of a university lies in how the space educates the students”. Professor Faroldi deeply cares about issues concerning the relationship between teaching, research, internationalization, sustainability, and the spaces in which they take place. Spaces constitute an excellent barometer of avant-garde, innovation, and social contribution that a university brings to society and the urban context in which it is located. The university campuses thus become bearers of these ideals by hosting welcoming places where education unfolds without cultural barriers and where diversity is considered a value.

The university embodies the values of the territory in which it is located and consequently represents an engine of innovation and development for the urban system, triggering a dynamic transformation capable of activating processes of urban renewal and economic revitalization. The Bovisa-Goccia project is an example of this concepts since it envisages not only the expansion of the Bovisa campus but also the creation of an innovation hub with areas dedicated to services for students, businesses, and citizens.

Former Editor in Chief of the scientific magazine TECHNE_ Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, he is Director of the University Master in Sport Design and Management and head of the Ph.D. course “Italian Architecture and Construction from the Post-War period to nowadays. Dialogues between Inheritance and project”. Professor of the International Academy of Architecture and Member of the Scientific Committee of the CSAC, Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione in Parma.

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