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Italian qualification

Requirements for admission

Academic year 2024/2025

You can apply for admission to Laurea Magistrale programmes if:

  • you hold the following qualification: a first level university degree, a degree awarded in accordance with the educational system in force prior to Ministerial Decree. 509/99, or
  • if you are a final year student- at the Politecnico di Milano or at another university - and have acquired 145 certified ECTS.

English language proficiency

Please also note that in order to be accepted, you must provide proof of English language proficiency at the level required by the Laurea Magistrale programme for which you are applying: see English language.

Conditional enrolment

If your application was accepted (green dot), you are granted:

  • UNCONDITIONAL ENROLMENT subject to completing your first level degree before the enrolment deadline
  • CONDITIONAL ENROLMENT if you will complete your first level degree after the enrolment deadline but before:
    - 2 December 2024 (for admission to the Laurea Magistrale programme in Semester 1 2024/2025)
    - 31 March 2025 (for admission to the Laurea Magistrale programme in Semester 2 2024/2025*)

    You may enrol in the Laurea Magistrale programme on which you have been accepted, even if you have not yet obtained the qualification required for admission, but you will be enrolled conditionally and will be required to notify us when you graduate. 
    As long as your enrolment will be conditional, you cannot take examinations.
    If your required degree qualification is awarded after the dates indicated above, your enrolment shall be cancelled.

* For the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering, if the number of students enrolled in the first semester reaches the planned number of places available for the academic year 2024/2025, it will not be possible to apply for admission in the second semester. 

Foreign students admitted to a Laurea Magistrale programme taught in English, must also prove their Italian language proficiency.
You must demonstrate your Italian language proficiency before sitting your final exam and finishing your study programme.

See Italian language proficiency

In addition to the above requirements, each programme has specific admission requirements.
See the Educational Regulations of the Laurea Magistrale programme on which you wish to enrol.
You can find the Educational Regulations by visiting the website of the School of interest and going to the 'Teaching' section.