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Didactic Activities and Degree Examination

Internships / Traineeships

An internship (also called traineeship) is a training experience at the workplace that allows you to:

  • put into practice the know-how acquired at theoretical level during the Programme of Studies
  • orient yourself towards an informed future professional choice

You can undertake an internship in Italy or abroad, at companies, at professional studios, at foreign universities or at public and private research institutes.

Before embarking on this experience, it is necessary for the host institution to ask the Politecnico di Milano to issue two documents required by law (Traineeship Agreement and Training Project, see further details on the Career Service website).

The internship/traineeship may be:

  • curricular and compulsory: that is, provided for in the Study Plans and linked to the acquisition of university credits (CFU/ECTS)
  • curricular but optional: that is, undertaken as a student, but no university credits are acquired and for a maximum duration of 12 months to be concluded in any case prior to the thesis discussion
  • extra-curricular: that is, undertaken as a new graduate not enrolled in another university programme; maximum duration is of 6 months


  • The rules to undertake a curricular internship are established by your programme, to which operational management is also entrusted through the so-called SAT (Academic Traineeship Department). Find yours here
  • The rules for extra-curricular internships are instead directly managed by Career Service (more info)   


To find your traineeship/curricular internship, look at the announcements published every day on the Career Service portal’s notice board.

In addition to the announcements, the Politecnico di Milano promotes the Erasmus+ for Traineeship Call every year in the month of May, which offers the possibility to undertake a traineeship in Europe financed by the European Community.