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Certificates and forms

Certificate of Equivalence

Recognition of Foreign Qualifications

Qualification recognition procedures

The ratification of the Lisbon Convention, which took place through Law 11 July 2002, n. 148, introduced in Italy the concept of finalized recognition of the foreign qualification.

The recognition of a foreign qualification in the Italian system, depending on the purpose of the request, may follow different procedures and must be addressed to different bodies responsible for these fulfilments.

The recognition of the international qualification for the access to public competitions (e.g. access to teaching) or professional recognition or any other purpose other than the academic one, is not carried out by the universities, but by the competent body.

Universities are in no way responsible, nor can they initiate recognition procedures for non-academic purposes. Candidates will then have to proceed independently with the contact of the responsible body.

Please also consult the related web page of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR).

For further details, we report the scheme published on the CIMEA web page.

Purpose of recognitionResponsible bodyLegislative reference
Admission to a course / Furthering of studyUniversities and AFAM institutionsArt. 2 Law 148/2002
Course abbreviation / Recognition of period of study / Recognition of creditsUniversities and AFAM institutionsArt. 2 Law 148/2002
Equivalence procedureUniversities and AFAM institutionsArt. 2 Law 148/2002
Equivalence procedure for PhD programsPhD School:
Web site
Law 25/02/2022, n.15, art. 28 quinquies, comma 3.2

Purpose of recognitionResponsible bodyLegislative reference
Access to public competitions / Attributions of points for the definition of the final ranking in public competitions / Career progression in Public AdministrationPrime Minister’s Office – Department of Public Affairs, subject to the opinion of the Ministry for Universities and Research (MUR) for academic qualificationsArt. 38, Legislative decree 165/2001 and Art. 2, Presidential Decree 189/2009; Art. 1, para. 28 quinquies, Law 15/2022
Pension-related reasons/Length of study inclusionMinistry for Universities and Research (MUR) via request to the relevant administrationArt. 3 DPR 189/2009
Enrollment in Job CentresMinistry for Universities and Research (MUR) via request to the relevant administrationArt. 3 DPR 189/2009
Access to traineeship or internship after release of qualificationMinistry for Universities and Research (MUR) via request to the relevant administrationArt. 3 DPR 189/2009
Award of scholarships and other benefitsRelevant administration, further to the opinion of the Ministry for Universities and Research (MUR)Art. 4, Presidential Decree 189/2009; Art. 1, para. 28 quinquies, Law 15/2022
Evaluation of European Union qualifications and certificationsRelevant administration with opinion of Ministry for Universities and Research (MUR) for academic qualificationsArt. 12, Law 29/2006
Public personnel selection for external staffMinistry for Universities and Research (MUR) via an application to the administration concernedArt. 1, para. 28 quinquies, Law 15/2022

Purpose of recognitionResponsible bodyLegislative reference
Practice of regulated profession (i.e., Chemist, Medical Doctor, Psychologist, Engineer, etc.Ministry which supervises the profession (i.e. Health, Justice, MUR, ecc.)Directive 2005/36/EC and Directive 2013/55/EU
Access to the job market for non-regulated professionsEmployern.a.

Conditions for requesting the equivalence

The equivalence is a complex form of academic recognition which is based on the analytical assessment of a foreign academic qualification in order to determine whether it corresponds in detail, by level and content, to a similar Italian university qualification so much that you can define it “equivalent” and so it is possible to give it the same legal "weight" (by calling it "equivalent").

The Law 148/02, in the Articles 2 and 3, allocates responsibility for the recognition of foreign qualifications to universities that exercise it as part of their autonomy and in accordance with related laws.

In order to qualify for the equivalence of a foreign qualification, all these conditions must apply:

  • the foreign qualification, that you want to be recognized as equivalent, must have been issued by a university or other institution of higher education that officially belongs to the educational system of reference
  • the foreign qualification must be an official qualification of the system of reference
  • the foreign qualification must be a final academic qualification of 1st and 2nd cycle (Bachelor-level or Master-level) comparable in its nature and level to an Italian qualification of Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) or of Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) and that allows the admission to the next cycle in the system of reference
  • the qualification which is possible to consider as equivalent to the foreign one must be available in the educational offer of Politecnico di Milano, for the academic year of reference in the application period

Applications for Bachelor and Master degree titles pertaining to the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering

For the equivalence applications referred to undergraduate or graduate titles belonging to the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering (, it is advisable to consult the Ministerial Decrees of 16 March 2007 , published in the Official Gazette:

And the Ministerial Decrees of 28th May 2011 n. 123 determining the characteristics and compulsory training contents of the Bachelor's and Master's degree titles.

Furthermore, for all recognition purposes aimed at the exercise of the profession, we recommend consulting the following document:

Direttiva 2005/36/CE del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio del 7 settembre 2005

referred to the recognition of professional qualifications and its allegato V.

The equivalence application

Applications must be submitted between 15th March and 31st July

First of all, we suggest you to check all documents that you must submit with the equivalence application:

  1. Authenticated copy of the foreign university qualification that you want to be recognized. Unless the document is issued by the university directly in English, French or Spanish, a certified translation is mandatory. Politecnico di Milano accepts translations in Italian (preferably), English, French or Spanish. 
  2. Certificate of the exams passed, also called transcript, or Diploma Supplement. Unless the document is issued by the university directly in English, French or Spanish, a certified translation is mandatory. Politecnico di Milano accepts translations in Italian (preferably), English, French or Spanish. 
  3. (*) Statement of Comparability of the foreign university degree issued by CIMEA (Information Center on Academic Mobility and Equivalences).
    For more information, you may visit the following link: 
  4. (*) Statement of Verification of the foreign university qualification and of the transcript of records issued by CIMEA (Information Center on Academic Mobility and Equivalences).
    For more information, you may visit the following link: 
  5. Detailed programmes of courses related to certified exams passed, with the indication of hours and ECTS for each course and the academic year in which they have been attended. Unless the document is issued by the university directly in English, French or Spanish, a certified translation is mandatory. Politecnico di Milano accepts translations in Italian (preferably), English, French or Spanish. 
  6. Language proficiency certificate at a level no lower than B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR): English language certificate if the degree program selected for the application is held in English, Italian language certificate for those held in Italian. For more details on the ENGLISH certificates accepted and the relative minimum scores required, you can visit the page: "Language requirements: English and Italian > Students of Laurea Magistrale Study Programmes
  7. Copy of an identity document (passport, identity card, driving licence), which must also be uploaded in the personal data section in the Online Services 
  8. Application form for the foreign qualification equivalence filled out and signed, available at the following link

(*) The Statement of Comparability and the Statement of Verification, mentioned above at points 3 and 4, can be replaced by the following documentation:

  • “Declaration of value” (DOV - this document is issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representation in the country the educational system of your undergraduate diploma refers to, attesting the validity and correspondence of qualification)

Moreover, documents at points 1 and 2 must be submitted with apostille, in case of Countries which signed the Hague Convention; in the other cases, certified by the Italian Diplomatic Representation. 

If the equivalence requested refers to a Master of Science degree, the same documentation regarding every foreign academic title accomplished must be attached to the application. If the first level academic degree accomplished was obtained in an Italian university, it is necessary to attach a self-certificate of both the degree itself and the examinations passed.

The procedure to apply for equivalence foresees the following steps:

If you still did not do that, make the registration to the Online Services of Politecnico di Milano. Through this function, you will receive a "person code" that you must include in the application for the equivalence certificate.

In order to set up your request, a payment of € 250,00 is required. Such amount, that includes a 16€ duty stamp that is therefore virtually paid, is non-refundable. You may obtain the payment details by filling out the dedicated form, once the completeness of the attached documentation has been verified by the offices.

Once collected all the necessary documents, send them, in PDF format, with the same form you used to ask for the payment details.

Acceptance and evaluation of the application

The outcome of your equivalence request consists of two steps:

The equivalence application is considered complete and can be evaluated when all the documents requested above are provided.
It is also necessary to specify in the application form the kind of academic program for which the equivalence is requested (Bachelor or Master's Degree), as well as the exact name of the course. This can be verified by consulting the educational offer

Your application will be evaluated within 90 days from the date of acceptance. The assessment is carried out by the School related to the course you are applying for equivalence for.

In case of a positive evaluation, the certificate of equivalence will be issued, bearing both the name of the foreign qualification and that of the University qualification, with only an indication of the corresponding degree class. For neither of the two outcomes, neither the exam marks nor the degree mark will be converted.

In the opposite case of a negative evaluation, instead, we will inform you of the reasons of the evaluation commission for which the recognition cannot be granted.

How to request a certificate

If your application has been positively assessed, you can obtain the certificate of equivalence in the terms and modalities that will be communicated to you by the office in charge.
To receive the certificate, you will have to present in person the original documents that have been attached to the application, if they have not already been verified by the CIMEA Statements or by other online verification methods (QR code, electronic Apostille or link to university database with access key).

Do you need help?

Contact us

Attention! In order to send us a request, you must first register to the Online Services.

Equivalence application for PhD programs:        

PhD School:
