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Intelligence in Artificial Intelligence

Year of incorporation



Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing.


The Dhiria platforms, designed for the future of AI processing on both plain (unencrypted) and encrypted data, are available to companies that want to integrate innovative Machine and Deep Learning solutions into their processes.


Dhiria provides its clients with the following services:

  • D4TimeX: An advanced platform for exploring and predicting time series. Algorithms and models developed by Dhiria form the foundation of this as-a-service solution, which is easy to integrate into the company processes thanks to APIs written by programmers for programmers
  • ZeroExpose: The AI platform of the future for processing encrypted data without decrypting it, ensuring the highest level of protection currently possible. Zero data exposed, zero results exposed; at no point your data and the results produced will be accessible in plain format. Only with your private key can you access the results generated by the ZeroExpose platform

Target Market

The target market in which DHIRIA operates includes both more established but still expanding market areas such as AI and Cloud, as well as emerging areas like Analytics-as-a-service and Privacy-preserving computation, with annual growth rates ranging from +9.7% to 44.3%. Meanwhile, the potential target markets for DHIRIA include, for example, IT, Finance, Energy, and Health.
