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When to enrol in italian courses

You take the TOL 2025 when you are in the last year or you are already finished upper secondary school

Academic year 2025/2026

First stage: early enrolment

You cannot participate in the first early registration phase.

This phase is reserved for candidates who: 

  • have passed a TOL in the 2024 calendar, with a score rounded to the nearest integer equal to or greater then 75.00/ 100
  • have passed the TOLC-I 2024 while in the penultimate year of upper secondary school (2023/2024 school year)
  • have an alternative SAT test certificate: go to the special page

Registration in the Online Services of TOLC-I by 7 August 2024 and SAT test certificates must be done by 11:59 (CEST) on 5 June 2025.


Second standard enrolment phase

With 4 rolling rankings

You can participate in the registration phase described below if:

  • you finished upper secondary school in the 2023/2024 school year or if you have already finished it
  • you sat a STANDARD TOL in the 2025 calendar year (score rounded to the nearest integer equal or hiher than 30/100),
  • you sat a TOLC-I in the 2025 calendar year with a score converted into a TOL score rounded to the nearest integer equal or higher than 30/100.
    Registration in the Online Services of TOLC-I test certificate must be done by 11:59 (CEST) on 13 June 2025.

On 16 June 2025, the places available after the early registration phase will be published, and if you wish, you can change your preferences by 11:59 a.m. (CEST) on 19 June 2025.
This can be done by accessing Online Services with your credentials, selecting “3-year Laurea programmes (eq. to BSc) and 5-year single cycle programmes (eq. to Integrated MSc): entrance or catch-up tests and enrolment” and then clicking on “Placement on the Ranking List”

In the first ranking list, published from 10:30 (CEST) on 23 June 2025, you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 25 June 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase but you may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

RESERVED - you can:
- enrol in the programme in which you have a place reserved by 23:59 (CEST) on 25 June 2025
- express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 26 June 2025 in order to be considered in the next ranking.

If you do not enrol or express an interest in being considered on a subsequent ranking, you will forfeit your place in the rankings and lose the right to enrol. You may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

PENDING - you will not be able to enrol, but you can express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 25 June 2025 to be considered in the next ranking.

If you do not express your interest, you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase. You may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.
However, in this case you may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

In the third ranking published from 10:30 (CEST) on 7 July 2025, you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 9 July 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase but you may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

RESERVED - you can:
- enrol in the programme in which you have a place reserved by 23:59 (CEST) on 9 July 2025
- express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 10 July 2025 in order to be considered in the next ranking.
If you do not enrol or express an interest in being considered on a subsequent ranking, you will forfeit your place in the rankings and lose the right to enrol.
You may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

PENDING - you will not be able to enrol, but you can express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 10 July 2025 to be considered in the next ranking.
If you do not express your interest, you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase.
You may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.
However, in this case you may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

In the fourth ranking, published from 10:30 (CEST) on 14 July 2025, you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 16 July 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase but you may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

RESERVED - you can:
- enrol in the programme for which you are ‘reserved’ by 23:59 (CEST) on 14 July 2025
- apply for inclusion in the third-phase rankings by entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase.

PENDING - you will not be able to enrol.
You may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2024/2025 academic year.
However, in this case you may ask to be considered in third phase rankings, entering your preferences from 21 to 24 July 2025.

Third enrolment phase “residual places”

With 2 rolling rankings

If you have not enrolled in the second enrolment phase and you want to take part in the third phase, you must apply for being included in the ranking for being considered for the allocation of residual place, according to the deadlines and procedures set out below:

Publication of available places: from 10:30 on 21 July 2025.

Application for inclusion in the third phase rankings: from 10:30 (CEST) on 21 July to 11:59 (CEST) on 24 July 2025.

You can enter up to five preferences after seeing the remaining available places.

This can be done by accessing Online Services with your credentials, selecting “3-year Laurea programmes (eq. to BSc) and 5-year single cycle programmes (eq. to Integrated MSc): entrance or catch-up tests and enrolment” and then clicking on “Placement on the Ranking List”

The preferences entered and their order will be considered for both rankings and cannot be changed.

In the first ranking list, published from 10:30 (CEST) on 28 July 2025, you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 30 July 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase but you may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

RESERVED - you can:
- enrol in the programme in which you have a place reserved by 23:59 (CEST) on 30 July 2025
- express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 31 July 2025 in order to be considered in the next ranking.
If you do not enrol or express an interest in being considered on a subsequent ranking, you will forfeit your place in the rankings and lose the right to enrol. You may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

PENDING - you will not be able to enrol, but you can express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 31 July 2025 to be considered in the next ranking.
If you do not express your interest, you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase. YYou may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.
In this case you may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

In the second ranking, published from 10:30 (CEST) on 4 August 2025, you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 6 August 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase but you may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

RESERVED - you can:
- enrol in the programme for which you are ‘reserved’ by 23:59 (CEST) on 6 August 2025 (If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase, ou may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.
- apply for inclusion in the fourth-phase rankings by entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

PENDING - you will not be able to enrol, but you can apply for inclusion in the fourth-phase rankings by entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.
In this case you may ask to be considered in fourth phase rankings, entering your preferences from 25 to 28 August 2025.

Fourth enrolment phase “other residual places”

With 2 ranking

If you have not enrolled in the third enrolment phase and you want to take part in the fourth phase, you must apply for being considered for the allocation of residual place, according to the deadlines and procedures set out below:

Publication of available places:from 10:30 on 25 August 2025.

Request for inclusion in fourth-phase rankings: from 10:30 on 25 August to 11:59 (CEST) on 28 August 2025.

You can enter up to five preferences after seeing the remaining available places.

This can be done by accessing Online Services with your credentials, selecting “3-year Laurea programmes (eq. to BSc) and 5-year single cycle programmes (eq. to Integrated MSc): entrance or catch-up tests and enrolment” and then clicking on “Placement on the Ranking List”.

In the first ranking list published from 10:30 (CEST) on 1 September 2025 you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 3 September 2025.
If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase.

RESERVED - you can:
- enrol in the programme in which you have a place reserved by 23:59 (CEST) on 3 September 2025
- express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 4 September 2025 in order to be considered in the next ranking.
If you do not enrol or express an interest in being considered on a subsequent ranking, you will forfeit your place in the rankings and lose the right to enrol.

PENDING - you will not be able to enrol, but you can express your interest by 11:59 (CEST) on 4 September 2025 to be considered in the next ranking.
If you do not express your interest, you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase.

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.

In the second ranking list published from 10:30 (CEST) on 8 September 2025 you may be:

ASSIGNED - you must enrol in the programme to which you have been assigned by 23:59 (CEST) on 10 September 2025.

If you do not enrol , you will be considered to have withdrawn from this enrolment phase..

NO AVAILABLE PLACES LEFT - you have no chance of entering Politecnico in the current phase as there are no available places left on your preferred programmes for the 2025/2026 academic year.