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Professors emeriti and honorary

Luigi Cedolin

Professor emeritus of Politecnico di Milano


  • Year of nomination: 2012
  • Facility: Department of Hydraulic, Environmental Engineering, Road Infrastructures and Surveying [facility name no longer in use]
  • E-mail: 

Luigi Cedolin was born in Milan on 12 May 1939.

He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1966. His appointment as Full Professor of Construction Technique dates back to 1984.

His research activity was initially dedicated to theoretical-experimental investigations in the field of vibrations induced by parallel two-phase flow. Subsequently, his research concerned the fields of constitutive laws of concrete, fracture mechanics, finite elements and the instability of structures in the inelastic field. His current research interests concern fracture mechanics and the modelling of the concrete microstructure.

His academic career took place entirely at Politecnico di Milano: in 1971 he was appointed assistant professor, in 1973 full assistant professor, in 1974 professor of construction techniques, in 1980  temporary Full Professor and since 1984, as already mentioned, he has been a Full Professor. It is worth recalling his academic activity in the U.S.A. as Visiting Professor at Comell University and Norhwestem University.

Since 1974, his teaching as a professor of Construction Techniques at Politecnico di Milano has been dedicated to electrical engineering students and subsequently to civil structural students. He has also taught Automatic Calculation of Structures as a substitute teacher.

He carried out his academic work with particular attention and rigour as a member of the Committee for the admission tests to the Faculty of Engineering.

In the period 1980-1984 he carried out professional consultancy work in the field of finite element structures analysis in non-linear regime.

His scientific research consists of around sixty publications and an educational volume. He is co-author of the treatise Stability of Structures: Elastic, lnelastic, Fracture and Damage Theory edited by Oxford University Press.

Finally, his editorial responsibilities should be mentioned: he is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Structural Engineering and Mechanics.

He is a member of scientific and cultural associations, as well as of ASCE and RILEM commissions.

Extract from the 2012 nomination statement