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Professors emeriti and honorary

Giulio Ballio  

Professor emeritus of Politecnico di Milano


Impronte Politecniche: Giulio Ballio interviewed by da Federico Bucci

Professor Ballio  graduated in Aeronautical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano on 21 December 1963. In 1975 he became Full Professor of Construction Science at the University of Pavia. In 1983 he became Professor of Steel Constructions at Politecnico di Milano

Within the institution, he has held  important positions:

  • head of the Materials Testing Laboratory of the Department of Structural Engineering from 1985 to 2002;
  • one of the founders of the University Quality Centre holding the position of Rector's representative until 2002;
  • Board member with responsibility for issues relating to the budget, finances and economic planning from 12 December 1996 to 30 September 2002;
  • Rector from 2022 to 2010.

His academic activity is documented by about 100 publications, from conferences and lectures to specialisation courses. From 1963 to 1970 his scientific activity was directed towards problems of structural mechanics. Since 1971, his research has mostly focused on numerical modelling and the experimental characterisation of structures and metallic structural elements. His activity as a structural engineer is documented by projects and consultancy relating to constructions in reinforced concrete, steel, wood and masonry, structures for telecommunications and astronomy, diagnostics and consolidation of existing buildings, and analysis of instability and structural accidents.

He is currently coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the Strait of Messina and a member of various Boards of Directors including Enel, the Triennale, the National Museum of Science and Technology, the Silvio Tronchetti Provera Foundation, the Lombardia per l'Ambiente Foundation as well as a member of the Prefect's Commission for statics of the Cathedral.

We believe that the commitment made by Professor Ballio to our University over the years, especially during his two terms as Rector, offers substantial justification for the awarding of the title.

extract from the 2012 nomination statement