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Conventions and benefits

Step Futurability District   

What is it?

STEP FUTURABILITY DISTRICT is an observation point, a space that changes and updates in real time, to reveal the Future to us.

In 10 steps you will meet the Future within you, through dynamic installations, immersive spaces and multimedia screens

What are the benefits?

STEP FUTURABILITY DISTRICT offers Politecnico community an entrance ticket for €7 instead of €10, VAT and presale costs included.

How does it work?

To enjoy the benefits dedicated to Politecnico community, you have to buy the ticket:

  • online, on by entering the agreement code STUDENTIPOLIMI (for students) or STAFFPOLIMI (for employees);
  • at the STEP ticket office in Piazza Adriano Olivetti 1, Milan upon presentation of your university card.

Entry tickets are valid exclusively for the day and time for which they were issued. You have also to show your university card at the entrance.

For further information



For information on how to schedule your visit: +39 02.3302.0088 -

For information on the agreement: